Feng shui is the ancient Chinese philosophy of inviting a balanced energy and flow into your living space. Feng shui-ing your home can have an amazing impact on our stress levels – Which leads to better mental and emotional well-being.

But, how do we feng shui our homes as simply as possible?

5 Super-Simple Feng Shui Steps (You Can Do Now!)

1. Declutter

Clutter has a very detrimental effect on us psychologically. It is easy to accumulate a lot of unnecessary items throughout our homes that we always think we will “sort later”.

But, those Amazon shipping boxes and piles of unwashed laundry and dishes pile up and make us feel “behind” in life. Clutter, such as children’s toys for example, are also easy to trip over and can flare our tempers.

If you haven’t already, try Spring Cleaning your home one room at a time to make it seem less overwhelming. Play uplifting music if you need to get the motivation for doing so!

2. Incorporate the 5 Elements

Traditional feng shui technique suggests incorporating all of the 5 elements to bring balance and calm into your home. The five elements of feng shui are fire, water, earth, wood, and metal.

You can incorporate the five elements in a variety of ways, such as using the colors of fire or burning a candle, adding more air purifying plants, or using real copper elements in mirror or photo frames.

Try not to get too heavy in any one element, or you may experience an imbalance. For example, too much fire may result in anger issues, or too much metal can “make one rigid”.

3. Add More Mirrors

Mirrors are often used in feng shui to create the illusion of more space and reflect more natural light. Natural light has the ability to brighten and clear a space.

To get the full effect, place mirrors in spots that are likely to reflect natural sunlight or lengthen a space, such as facing a long hallway.

4. Bring the Outside In

You can do this by adding more plants, opening windows more often in the morning and evening to create a nice, cooling breeze, or even add more nature art.

Nature is calming and inviting, yet can also be invigorating. For example, adding a photograph of a waterfall in your bedroom may help energize and get you moving in the morning.

5. Clear Stuck Energies

Energies get stuck in corners of our homes and apartments, which can make us, in turn, feel stuck, depressed, and unmotivated. Our depression, rambling thoughts, and moody days may have an overall impact on the way we feel inside our homes.

To clear this, you can light naturally-scented essential oil candles, burn essential oils, or use sage often to clear the home of stuck energy and invite in a more peaceful, calming feeling.

5 Easy Feng Shui Tips: Synopsis

Getting your home feng-shuied doesn’t have to be difficult or extremely time-consuming! Creating a warm, inviting space can be as simple as clearing clutter and lighting a candle!

The effects on your mental health and energy levels should be noticeable and you can then be free to create the life of your dreams!

If you need assistance with buying, selling, or renting a home/townhome/condo or office space, Spectrum Realty and Property Management can help as your full-service Realtor or Property Manager! Contact us today!

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