It is amazing how much clutter we can accumulate each year! Spring cleaning is a great time to declutter all the items you have hoarded through the winter when you didn’t want to leave the house much.

Decluttering is also great for your mental health and well-being!

5 Things to Declutter for Spring Cleaning

1. Old, Unworn Clothing Items

Go through drawers/closets and donate or throw away any maternity items, clothing that doesn’t fit anymore, or outdated clothing you simply never wear. This makes room to slowly buy new items that you love!

If clothing is too big, too small, stained, uncomfortable, or simply outdated – Consider donating it to a local charity or tossing!

2. Old Electronics

Maybe you still own a VCR and don’t have one tape to go in it. Or maybe you have bundles of electronics cords that you don’t know what they go to. Look through piles of cords to see if they fit with any of your current items.

If not, toss them!

3. Mismatched Kitchen Items

How many Tupperware lids do you own with no Tupperware to match? Or old pots and pans that the non-stick coating has worn off, so you never use that pan to cook with anymore?

You can also go through your pantry items and throw out old bags of chip crumbs. (We all save these for some reason!)

4. Old Makeup, Lotions & Creams

Look through your bathroom drawers for old makeup, lotions, creams, razors, or any items you haven’t used in the last year, and toss it! Many of these things expire anyway.

5. Shred Unnecessary Paperwork

A good rule of thumb is to keep any documents related to taxes for at least 3 years. Other paperwork such as any paper bills you may still receive don’t need to be kept for quite as long, since most are available online.

Use your discretion, and shred anything unnecessary or outdated.

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